Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cosmetic Dentistry Advancements

In days of old your dentist would perform cosmetic dentistry in a fairly ugly manner. Teeth straightening was performed using very ugly metal braces and dentures or false teeth were very crudely made. The pain factor with these treatments was also something to be missed and a lot of people would put up with their less than perfect teeth in order to avoid this. Nowadays pain free dental treatment is the norm. If you live in New York then find a quality dentist at cosmetic dentist New York.

There has been mounting pressure from dental patients and the dentistry industry has made major advances in offering pain free dentistry. With all the advances in cosmetic dentistry, patients can choose from a number of services such as plastic transparent braces instead of the old metal ones, dental implants and white fillings instead of the conventional metal fillings.

The environment has also changed. Years ago the dentist surgery was a pretty unwelcoming place guarded by a stern looking dental assistant. Most dentists have worked hard in making their reception areas very modern looking and warm and inviting with friendly receptionists to boot. As a result of this modernizing, patient numbers have increased as a major obstacle in visiting the dentist has been removed.

At the modern cosmetic dentists you will find more than one dentist available along with other experts such as oral hygienists and aesthetic specialists to guide you in your treatment. They are smile consultants in reality and they will advise you on the best course of action that will eventually lead to perfect teeth. Due to the unique needs of each patient, it is rare these days to experience a quick once over and then straight into the treatment. With all the options available today and the condition of your teeth to take into account, a professional examination can be a pretty lengthy process.

The number of cosmetic services available is considerable. The whitening of your teeth is the most popular service and this has lead to a huge number of teeth whitening kits available through local stores but these take longer to produce a result as the strength of the gel used is nowhere near what a dentist would employ. Teeth straightening is still popular and these days the braces are made of plastic rather than metal and are almost transparent. Conventional dentures are becoming a thing of the past with the new dental implants that bond with your gums being a lot more popular.

Some people believe cosmetic dentistry to be the ultimate in vain activities as it is pretty expensive and often takes a number of visits to complete. As a counter argument, it hard to ignore the self confidence issues that someone with teeth imperfections can suffer in their everyday life and how much freedom cosmetic dentistry will give them. A radiant smile is a true gift and the money will be well spent giving you years of self confident interaction with others. If you don’t have the money don’t worry as most cosmetic dentists offer payment plans.

When looking for a cosmetic dentist, check out their track record with their previous dental procedures. A good dentist will have many photographs to show you of happy people that have had their teeth successfully crafted by their magic hands. Ask them if they will give you names and numbers of previous clients and they should be happy to do that. The cost of cosmetic dentistry is high and this is due to the extensive training that dentists have to go through as well as the high quality materials that they use in their practice.

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